Category: Greenhouse

  • Spring is Coming!

    Spring is Coming!

    Spring is coming!! Haven’t sown any seeds yet, just preparing my pots and trays and things. News paper pots are real easy to make. I have filmed a tutorial a while back (Family Earthprint was the original name for this blog): As you can see real easy to make, but if you need a lot… Continue reading

  • Congrats USA

    Congrats USA

    Onward to better days. The people have spoken! January 20th, 2021 we inaugurated the 46th President of these United States of America! Continue reading

  • Baby Succulents, Life!
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    Baby Succulents, Life!

    Succulents are one of my favorite type of plants to propagate. A lot of people find them difficult to start but since I am an an incarnation of Mother Earth it is extremely easy for me hairflip Just kidding I just finally figured it out…they seemed to respond to being whispered to, and I’m not… Continue reading