Category: Winter

  • Homemade Dandelion Jelly Recipe

    Homemade Dandelion Jelly Recipe

    Every now and then I make dandelion jelly. Here is the recipe! Ingredients 4 cups fresh dandelion flowers 3 ¼ cups water, or more as needed 2 tablespoons lemon juice (best if squeezed fresh from lemons) 1 package fruit pectin, powdered (1 3/4 ounces) 4 3/4 cups white sugar 8 oz jars (wash and sterilize before using)… Continue reading

  • Summer Garden Overview

    Summer Garden Overview

    I’ll post about each type of plant individually but here is a broad photo overview of what’s been going on in my garden so far this month. Some pics from July also. Okra! Strawberries! Turnips! Eggplants! Tomatoes! Hot peppers! Bell peppers! Cucumbers! Moon Flowers! Zinnias! Petunias! Mint! and a bunch more stuff. This is the… Continue reading

  • Garden Baskets Update & More
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    Garden Baskets Update & More

    A few of my garden baskets, August 18th. Letting half the garden ground rest this year. Here are cucumbers, tomatoes, okra, eggplant, broccoli (just leaves eaten up lol), carrots, celery, lettuce (forget which kind) and a strawberry plant that is somehow still going though it’s way past strawberry season in Ohio! Also here is the… Continue reading