eggplant June 2021

Eggplant in Bloom ’21

First eggplant flowers popped this past week! They do point down but I tried to get a decent under-shot. I’m so excited because this means eggplant bodies will form soon. Did you know that eggplants grow back every year Although it is a perennial, most people grow it as an annual because it needs proper pruning and fertilizer. It also declines eventually unlike most perennial plants, which when established come back for decades.

Eggplant flower 2021

How long does it take to grow eggplant? If you buy baby plants it takes 65 to 80 days for eggplants to grow to harvest. If you start from seed, it takes about 100 to 120 days to maturity. Eggplants grow easy and well in hot climates but can be grown in mild climates and even mostly cold climates like where I live, NE Ohio. So harvest can be anytime from Spring to Autumn, depending where on earth you live as well as the variety you planted. Start early, especially if you live someplace with short summers and long winters. In which case pick a variety that grows quickly, and also well in containers. This variety I have planted in Hansel, an early season producer that typically gives a heavy yield!

Trula Earthgarden

Trula Earthgarden: I am a freelance writer and independent, self-published author. I publish and produce my books, blogs, zines, and video content. I am passionate about growing things, writing things, and making things.