Summer Garden Overview

I’ll post about each type of plant individually but here is a broad photo overview of what’s been going on in my garden so far this month. Some pics from July also. Okra! Strawberries! Turnips! Eggplants! Tomatoes! Hot peppers! Bell peppers! Cucumbers! Moon Flowers! Zinnias! Petunias! Mint! and a bunch more stuff. This is the time of year I get super hyped! Well, I stay in hype mode about gardening but now I’m crazy about it. Don’t mind the house, we’re painting and remodeling and this is in the pre-painting, post-scraping old paint phase:

Trula Earthgarden

Trula Earthgarden: I am a freelance writer and independent, self-published author. I publish and produce my books, blogs, zines, and video content. I am passionate about growing things, writing things, and making things.