Volunteer cucubirt in coffee
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Volunteer Plants in Old Pots

Life was exploding all over my house last week and I hadn’t sown nary a seed. Plants were like, MA’AM! Spring will be here soon, what are you even doing! I guess just like you can’t force things much beyond their season (well you can but won’t get a good result), you can’t hold them back either. Especially when you reuse pots and dirt and are lackadaisical about seed scatterage. Looks like a cucubirt of some kind. Probably a squash but could be cantaloupe, some other melon, or cucumber. Pot is old hanging planter filled with reused dirt, I hadn’t even revitalized it with compost yet. I did dump some used coffee grounds on it, was supposed to be temporary.

Trula Earthgarden

Trula Earthgarden: I am a freelance writer and independent, self-published author. I publish and produce my books, blogs, zines, and video content. I am passionate about growing things, writing things, and making things.