Crocus March 2023
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Yep, It’s a Crocus

Usually my daffodils are the first flowers to come up and while they did shoot up first with stalks, we had a temperature drop with snow last weekend so the flowers have yet to bloom. Lo and behold the crocuses came out first this year, instead of second! I love crocuses, they’re a flowering plant in the Iris family. I love that they are typical Easter colors…wait a minute, it just now ocurred to me that the color of Spring flowers is why certain colors were picked to represent Easter in the first place.

Crocus March 2023
Trula Earthgarden

Trula Earthgarden: I am a freelance writer and independent, self-published author. I publish and produce my books, blogs, zines, and video content. I am passionate about growing things, writing things, and making things.